Mindfulness practices I

The latest research suggests that 47 percent of the time, we have off-task thoughts during an ongoing task or activity.  "Mind wandering" is both unintentional and without awareness.  How we "show up" in our professional and personal spheres impacts our on-the-job productivity, our intimate relationships, and our ability to feel and appreciate experiences.  Dr. Ryger's Mindfullness workshops explore the what, why, and how, and introduce techniques for increased presence so you can learn how to be there for your life. 

Come to this supportive, non-judgmental experience and experience it yourself. 

Working with dr. risa ryger

This introductory workshop addresses:

  • What is mindfulness & why has the concept become so popular?
  • What are the benefits of practicing mindfulness and how do I know if it's right for me?  How will I and my family benefit?
  • What if I can't do it?  Is there a right and wrong way?
  • How can mindfulness training reduce attentional lapses and curb mind wandering?
  • How can mindfulness help me to better enjoy time spent with friends, family, and myself

mindfulness practices II

The second part in the Mindfulness Practices series delves deeper into increased awareness for increased wellness and presence.  Here, we will discuss the brain, mind, body connection and learn how to utilize this information to support our emotions, cognitive, and physical wellness. 

In a supportive, non-jugmental atmosphere of inquiry, we will delve together and learn more about these health promoting practices. 

working with dr. risa ryger

This advance workshop addresses:

  • What does it feel like to have a continued increased presence and focus day-to-day?  How do I sustain it? 
  • What are the "micro-moments" and "macro-events" of connection and pleasure?
  • How do I sustain a mindfulness practice for continued concentration and mental clarity?
  • How can I focus on kindness, compassion, and acceptance, when the world around me seems crazy?