parenting workshops

Parenting can be one of the most extraordinary, fulfilling experiences.  It’s also demanding in ways that are truly hard to imagine.  From sleep deprivation, to your baby’s smelly diaper leaking on your work outfit (been there), to dealing with a tantrum as you’re trying to leave the house because you have to get to a meeting on time, to homework battles, to tired children negotiating bed time -- sometimes all in one day!  And, parenting teens brings with it a different set of challenges. 

Dr. Ryger's Parenting Workshops help parents learn the tools and strategies to address modern day challenges.  Parenting Stress Solutions is designed to help parents with tools and strategies addressing different developmental stages.  Understanding what’s happening in your child’s brain and yours can help guide your responses towards moments of connection and attunement in the service of growth and regulation.

Working with dr. risa ryger

Parenting Workshops can also address:

  • Deciding whether or not to become a parent
  • Taking care of yourself after the baby arrives -- how and why
  • The traveling parent -- how to stay connected when work takes you away
  • Parenting a teen-understanding the teen-age brain and how to work with it
  • Tools for keeping your cool when emotions get heated
  • Parenting challenges with your teen transitioning to college
  • Being in the “sandwich” state -- taking care of your children and elderly family members
  • Mindfulness Practices for yourself and your family, including supporting focus, self-regulation, and compassion    

teen workshops

Managing stress, school performance expectations, and navigating the “friend-scape” with the pressures of Snapchat and Instagram, selfies, and texting are really tough.  Being a teenager now is not the same as it was for their parents who didn’t grow up on Planet Tech.  These Teen Workshops were designed with input by teens--by asking teens what was going on and what they needed.  The teens had a lot to say, even the ones who were supposed to be “quiet”. 

working with dr. risa ryger

Using a diverse menu of interactive touchpoints: meetings, check-ins, discussions, personalized skills and tools, and webinars, you will get a better handle on stress, finding here and now strategies that can easily be part of your day.  Often, you’re trying the best ways you know how to manage and succeed; Dr. Risa Ryger will offer additional ideas and skill sets to help it work better and perhaps more easily for you.